The Ultimate Cake Pricing Guide
”I can get it much cheaper at…”
Do you get this often when quoting prices?
If you do you’ve stumbled upon the walmart problem.
What does that mean?
Well, the only sales point that Walmart has is that they are cheaper than anyone else.
The have basically driven the prices so far down that they became the
synonym for CHEAP.
If you allow yourself to be a ”walmart” you’ll forever struggle,
What to do instead?
Become an apple (not the fruit).
It’s a high quality, expensive brand.
You think apple have problems selling macbooks?
Heck no, people buy from them in spades.
Why is that?
Because they know their worth.
They are not trying to convince people to buy.
They have their prices and you can either pay or get out.
Drive your own baking business in the same way.
Let me illustrate with a story…
I had a friend (living back then in an all student town) who once remarked to me, ”There are so many hair dressers here, like 10 on every street, can it really pay to be a hairdresser in this town?”
Of course it can’t because when you are just like everyone else you ”allow” yourself to be commoditized.
Battling on price by being the cheapest, is a slow, but long, fall to the bottom.
Rejection is never easy but you have to risk it if you are ever to make money selling cakes.
Other bakers are doing, which means you can do it, you just have to start seeing yourself as apple instead of walmart.
In short, go pro.
You have to treat your cakes like a business because they are. If you want to make money you have to be willing to value your time and effort even if the price seems high.
You deliver a quality product and service and deserve to get paid for it.
Of course that’s easier said than done right?
Where do you even begin?
Well, apple invests in itself and tries to stay on top. They seek out the best minds and constantly learn and evolve.
So you have got to start investing in yourself if you want results.
That’s why I wrote the “Ultimate Cake Pricing Guide”.
The only resource you’ll ever need to never again feel uncertain about your works worth.
With the guide you’ll be able to calculate EXACTLY what you should charge.
How would you like to have less customers and have to bake less cakes but still make more money?
It all comes down to pricing.